The Best Succulents To Grow in The Dallas-Fort Worth Area

Texas is known for its hot summers and mild winters. On our side of the state, our climate is considered subtropical, which means we can grow plants that the rest of the country cannot. For example, desert plants such as succulents. Here in Dallas-Fort Worth, succulents have become increasingly more popular. Succulents come in a variety of colors, unique textures, and the best part about them is that they are easy to care for. Whether you are an experienced gardener with a green thumb or never touched a plant in your life, these succulents will surely stand out and thrive in your Texas landscapes.
Paddle Plant
The paddle plant is an aesthetically pleasing and colorful member of the stonecrop family that comes from South Africa. Other common names this liveable plant goes by are; Flapjacks, Desert Cabbage, and Dog Tongue. No matter what you call it, this succulent is sure to be a great addition to your succulent garden. Paddle plants can thrive in hardiness zones of 10 or higher. Dallas-Fort Worth lies in zone 8 so you should bring your paddle plants indoors if it gets too cold.

Aeoniums are succulents that grow in a colorful rosetta shape making them a sure head-turner. This plant has adapted to dry climates by storing water in its waxy leaves. Aeoniums look great outside or you can bring a little color indoors and plant them in a pot. Aeoniums reproduce from offshoots that grow from their heads and produce seeds only once in their lifetime. After they bloom they die but because it is constantly propagating, you will never notice and continue to have new plants sprouting continuously like the agave plant.
Senecio Mandraliscae
Also known as Blue Chalksticks, the Senecio Mandrealiscae is a spreading succulent from South Africa. It has fleshy silver-blue fingers that stand 3-4 inches tall. Its habit to spread can quickly cover a lot of ground. Perfect for a ground cover in your flower beds, rock gardens, or succulent gardens. Unlike other succulents. This plant grows better in the winter and goes dormant in the summer. It’s also resistant to fire, deer, and rabbits.
Sedum Ogon

Sedum Ogon is a relative to the stonecrop that flowers in late spring and summer. They enjoy plenty of sun but can tolerate some shade. Ogan is a reliable source of color and interest for landscapes lacking in these areas. It grows as a ground cover and can reach 18 inches wide in under 2 years. This succulent doesn’t come from the tropics of Africa or the arid deserts of the world, instead, it is found in the Japanese provinces of Honshu, Kyushu, and Shikoku where it grows naturally in moist, rocky, shady areas.
Hens and Chicks
Hens and chicks are are fun plants to have growing outdoors or indoors. They are named for the way the “mother” plant propagates new plants. It sends out underground runners that sprout around the main plant, looking like a mother hen surrounded by her chicks. Hens and chicks can tolerate temperatures between 65 and 75 degrees. When temperatures get too hot or too cold the plant will stop growing and go semi-dormant. Hens and chicks can go a long time between waterings so only water when the soil has dried out below the surface.
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